Monday, February 28, 2022

"Putin Seems Erratic"

 Yesterday, Condoleezza Rice was interviewed (having met Putin on a couple of occasions), and just remarked that he seems 'erratic'.  A number of folks have talked about this over the past week.  So you go to the various problems/rumors:

1.  In a big speech to his security council (4 days ago) he cited the chief reasons to invade the Ukraine....was involving neo-Nazis and drug addicts.  The talking-heads (news journalists) just sat there....wondering where the heck this comment really came from.

2.  Back in September 2021, there was a long written piece that talked about limited Putin appearances, that he seemed slow in his 'step', and suggested cognitive decline. 

3.  Back in early September 2021, a big round of Covid struck the Putin inner least thirty of them lingered through it.  Putin himself mentioned this event.  No one has suggested that Putin had it, but you have to wonder....if he did, is he going through foggy-brain syndrome?

4.  One health expert says that Putin is going through hubris syndrome.....where you take unacceptable risks for a reason, do reckless things, and generally disregard people.  It happens a good bit with older people (Putin is 70 years old later this year).  

5.  This rumor of Putin recently having stomach cancer, and possibly on some pain killers for the treatment?  That rumor exists as well.  Zero facts so far. 

6.  The talk of Putin having limited human contact during the past 2 years because of Covid?  That rumor exists.

7.  The suggestion of Parkinsons?  Well.....he has an issue with his leg (he actually leg problems but doesn't attribute to anything but old injuries).

8.  That coughing attack in November while doing a news piece?  

Most of these stories are just rumor material.  The cough and the leg  problems could just be normal.  

Here is the thing.....if we end up in a nuclear war with missiles thrown around, and three years the clean-up action, we find that he and most of his staff all had foggy-brain syndrome from Covid, and that he was on pain-killers for his leg problems....history will be extremely tough on his actions (much like Hitler).  

Fear keeping the political party or the inner circle from dumping him?  There's no doubt that this problem is a significant situation.  

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