Friday, February 25, 2022

Should Putin Worry About Anonymous?

 For reference, Anonymous is this international hacker group....who shares their thoughts on hacking, and gets pure enjoyment out of hacking into networks.

This morning....their main 'front-group' said that they were going to mount an attack on Russia.

So, here's the deal.  There's just a lot of individuals in Russia who run various networks....from water to electrical the subway system in controlling the Moscow 'Wall-Street' machine.  And you can figure at least 10-percent of them are disagreeable with the Putin they might go and lead Anonymous to those weak points....letting them do the damage necessary.

Stopping them?  Maybe if you just had one single incident, but I would imagine today (Friday) alone....there's bound to be over 200 incidents, and by Monday....there might be a thousand problems that the Russians are having to mess with.

A train wreck?  A power shutdown in some region?  A server handling bank transactions suddenly deleting it's entire file system?  A airport control system suddenly turning itself off?  

It might take fifty of these events to occur, but they would eventually reach Putin and suggest that he can't fight these idiots in Anonymous and hope to win.

Cutting off access to Russia?  Maybe.....but it would not surprise me if you had various Anonymous individuals within the border and who could flip a switch to connect outside chaos back into the country.

A bigger weapon than NATO?  There's hardly anything in the world that isn't connected to the internet, and it merely takes a marginal coder a few minutes to write some added code into the Moscow subway delay various trains by sixty create a dangerous situation to brew.  


Chumgrinder said...

I see no historical evidence that Anonymous has any sentiments other than left-wing.
Millions to attack GiveSendGo, but not one cent for Putin.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

In the G-S-G episode....I don't think it took more than one or two folks to give them problems. It's hard to say hackers are left-wing or right-wing, most never taking a position on anything other than asking...can I hack this?

In this mess, as much as Anonymous might be 'helpful'...the Russians have a group of hackers and might put them at work against US/European servers....just making this a bigger mess than what it is already. Nobody needs train accidents where 200 people die because of a safety switch turned off.