Thursday, February 24, 2022

Q-and-A: Germany: 24 Feb 2022

 1.  German government dropping a bunch of 'gifts' to the public?

Well, here's the deal...the coalition met and agreed to these gifts: the EEG surcharge on electrical bills is dissolved until July, the unemployed/welfare class folks will get a 100 Euro one-time 'gift', the home-office tax credit is set at 600 Euro, a heating subsidy of around 135 Euro for singles and 175 Euro for couples will be 'gifted' out, and 20 Euro per kid will be issued out to welfare families from July on. 

Fair sum of least for the working class/welfare class.  Will it cover all heat costs?  No, and it wasn't meant to be the absolute answer to things.

2.  Can you conduct 9,500 quickie tests consecutively at a test-center, and ALL are negative?

Well, I noticed this story over at Focus, and I'll try to describe the story.  Up in the NRW region of Germany....on one particular day of testing with 24 different centers....there was not a single positive from the entire group.  Now, most people would say that shows the virus is really going away.

However, news people focused on this one site site in Koln.....which did 9,533 tests and not a single one was positive.  

An accusation of false testing?  Yeah, but maybe with the Omicron deal....the tests are crap.  You just can't be sure.

3.  This separatist region in east Ukraine had a news conference to show their leadership qualities, and it went badly?

I noticed the video of this off German public TV, and at some point....this guy (not elected, just assumed the role of 'chief-dog' this question....if he could prove he's not a puppet of Putin.  That set the guy up to talk like some 12-year old kid who got his stash of adult magazines found by grandma.  

It's all serious business, but you can't help but admire the weird characters being shaped for TV presentation.

4.  'Long' Covid being caused by damage to the Vagus nerve?

I sat and watched a German health report last night, and this topic came up.....from Spanish research folks.  First, I had to admit I knew nothing about the Vagus nerve.  FYI...this one single nerve runs all your internal organ operations (heart/respiratory rate, digestion,  a couple reflex things (relating back to coughing and swallowing).  

Whether something can be done to nerve repair a totally different question.

1 comment:

Daz said...

Finally the whole ANS/ Vagus nerve issue is being talked about. That's the biggest worry about this whole drama.