Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Worry, Fear and 'Doctor Dooms' In The Mix

 Zafer Senocak wrote an opinion piece for WELT today....entitled "Europe Was Never As Unprotected After 1945 As It Is Today".  If you can find WELT at the news stand, or catch the basic story on N24 TV's worth a review.

I tend to agree, and it's remarkable to go and see how Eastern and Western Europe survived through forty-five years, then came out after the Wall dissolved (1990s) where they are all commercially and economically tied into one 'machine'....with the Russians even attached to the survivability of Europe (via natural gas).

The Russian Oligarchs that exist today?  Every single one of them has a direct line which leads to the natural gas, and tons of profit over the decades....from Western Europe.  Their yachts parked in Cyprus, Greece, and Croatia?  All from a profitable situation.  

All of this in jeopardy?  One can argue that if this Russia-Ukraine thing isn't cleared up.....there's going to be a downward trend in Russia, with unhappy people angry over inflation.

But lets gaze back at the Germans.  Every step of the way in the the natural gas pipeline was being built.....individuals warned the West German government that this was going to lead to an eventual mess.  

Just three years ago....President Trump repeated these warnings, and was generally disregarded....he just didn't understand the 'big' picture.  Well.....yeah, he grasped precisely what the scenario unfolding now was about.

In the past forty-hours, I'd say the German public news cycle (via ARD/ZDF) has really pumped up this Ukraine invasion business.  

This morning, my German wife finally asked....just where will this lead to, and if there is a 'big' threat.  I responded 'no'.....Ukraine just needs to accept that Europe/NATO screwed them, and that carving up countries is perfectly OK.  I don't think she appreciated my sarcasm.

Then she came back sarcastically and asked if old DDR/East Germany might be annexed in this manner (being slightly hopeful but sarcastic as well).

The problem bad as Covid was....Putin has finally replaced it as a 'threat', and now we have 'Professor Dooms' (intellectual Russia/military experts) who appear and give doom scenario number one, or doom scenario number two.  

I noticed that the UFEA soccer championship business is now regarded in jeopardy because next month Poland is supposed to play Moscow, and various soccer 'Doctor Dooms' are discussing how this may happen or may not happen.

Any hope?  Well....maybe we can get some double-triple advancement on Omicron, and bring the 'Doctor Dooms' back into prospective.  

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