Wednesday, February 23, 2022

More War Chatter/BS

 Welt/N-24 put out an odd piece talking about the Putin strategy and that it might not just include the far west part of the Ukraine.

Other Russian annexation?  Well....with the map shown, it included Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo.

It's a pretty crazy strategy.  You'd have to arrive by naval force (Marines) and land on the coast of Montenegro.  

Pro-Russia Serbs?  Well....yeah....a pretty large group, and they might be open to this idea.  I can't say the same for Kosovo or Montenegro.  

Frankly, on a scale of one to ten.....I'd give this a '2' for being realistic, but if you happened to see some naval force with 10k Russian Marines in the mix....moving toward the Med, then I'd start to believe the fantasy scenario more.

(Note: in the entire Russian Marine force, there's only 12,000)

At this point, it would freak out Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Italy.

On the funny side, it's amazing what the Russian-war 'Doctor Dooms' have suggested in the past 48 hours, on German TV.   


M1-19k said...

In Kosovo 🇽🇰 Camp Bond Steel is still in operation with NG weekend warriors rotating through every 6 months, so the Pro-russian will have a difficult time trying to take it back. Kosovo is 90% Albanian and 10% serb. Hopefully the weekend warriors can hold them back until the real Army gets there.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

A lot of this (especially on public TV in Germany) is Doctor Doom stuff, and just way off the logical marker. Russian logistics for the military just isn't something I'd go bragging about....same for the German military.