Sunday, October 13, 2024

13 Oct 2024: Six German News Stories

 1. VW is planning a new E-car.....the 'Volksstromer', priced at roughly 20,000 Euro (basic model).  I'd describe as a two-door type car.  They seem to believe that the pricing is what matters.

2.  This deal to bring in US medium-range missiles (into Germany) getting a fair amount of push-back.  I would speculate that one of the five top voting issues for the fall 2025 federal election in Germany.  If you went to the parties, the anti-missile groups would be all of AfD, Greens, Linke, and BSW....with probably half the SPD voters being against the idea.  

3.  The SPD Party is preparing for the fall 2025 fed talking up a tax-credit of some type...if you were to buy an E-car (would have to be a German-made car  of course).  

4.  WW II bomb found in Hamburg....near the Schanzen-quarter last night. Several thousand residents and visitors had to evacuate the 'party-zone' of Hamburg for a period of time.

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