Thursday, October 3, 2024

3 Oct 2024: Thirteen German News Stories

 1.  Cash-refill guys who fill ATM machines around Germany....on strike.  So what business operations are finding out.....they don't have enough cash on hand....asking German customers to ONLY pay by credit card or debit card.  Odd problem.

2.  Some major story out of Focus.....measurements taken.  The landscape of Germany is heating up faster....than  the landscape of Earth itself.   

Scientists are lost on explaining this.  Non-science Germans may say it's time to open refrigerator doors, and open cool off Germany.

3.  German gov't has given orders....if you are a German...IN Iran at present....LEAVE by any means possible.

4.  A medical student from Rwanda, traveling with his GF on a Bahn train from Frankfurt to Hamburg.....had been out of the country in Rwanda, and just flown into the Frankfurt being treated for flu-like issues.  Some speculation that he has the Marburg virus. 

“Bild” says the fed-police have closed tracks in Hamburg....bringing in a hazmat team.  Part of the train station was closed off for several hours.

Marburg virus scares the crap out of medical folks....if you aren't aware of it. As of this AM....tests have not yet concluded if the guy has it or not.

5.   In case you were wondering....from Wed evening, the CDU Party spoke and said under 'no conditions'....would Germany be accepting refugees from Lebanon.  SPD-coalition didn't say much.

6.  Today is a national holiday in Germany (Unity Day).  I asked my wife (of West German descent)....if we would be celebrating.  'No' was the answer.

7.  ARD news reporters did some research and came to this odd fact...the German  Criminal Police has between ten and thirty Juveniles (under the age of 14)....on their 'watch-list' for potential terrorist attacks.

Most people always assume it's young adult males...on the watch-list.

8.  For a 250-gram package of German butter....the average price is 2.39 Euro (most highest price since the Euro was adopted).

9.  New winter-tire rules in Germany are in effect.  If you have winter-tires on, and there is no 'snow-flake' symbol shown.....the tire is illegal.  

10. The ARD (public TV) public forum show....'Maischberger'...was on last night.  Topic?  'Should Germany supply weapons to Israel and Ukraine?'

The two guests?  Oskar Lafontaine (formerly of the SPD and Linke Party) and FDP Party member Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann.

I'll just say you got a hard dose of left and right views from the two guests.

11.  As of this AM, 130 Germans have been flown by the German Air Force, out of Lebanon (into Frankfurt).  Evacuation still underway.

12. WELT did an interesting report on demographics in Germany. Basic story?  There's a map showing the country, in three colors.  Color one: over-abundance in German employee potential.  Color two: marginal abundance in German employee potential.  Color three: lacking abundance in German employee potential.

So there is a big chunk of the Pfalz region (west) and most of eastern Germany....lacking people.  

13.  Interior Minister pointed out in a blunt way yesterday....any public support/help for Hamas or a federal crime in Germany.

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