Sunday, October 6, 2024

6 Oct 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  The German Economic Ministry has revised the numbers for growth in 2025.  Instead of a .3-percent's a .2-percent decline.  So, here's the problem.....they still don't have a solid budget built for 2025, and this 'decline' will make things even more difficult.

Recession trigger?  I'd just say that things will be stagnant for 2025.  I'd say presently....most Germans are more careful about spending.  They still go on vacations...but they aren't that likely to spend a lot extra.  Real estate still affected and less pricing on homes/condos presently. 

2.  That 1,000 Euro 'bonus' idea talked about....paying the people on the citizen's allowance (welfare), if they accomplish a year of full employment?  LOT of criticism popped-up  yesterday by the general public.  

3.  Putin's latest threat?  Well....if you didn't realize it....there's still trade going between the US/Europe and Russia...on certain raw materials.  Putin says 'enough'....that trade will halt shortly because of support for Ukraine.

4.  FDP Party is exploring the idea of cutting the 'allowance' for asylum seekers....if they have failed on their application.  The cut?  Just enough for basic food. Greens likely to go against this idea.

5.  Odd political development for Greens. Winfried Kretschmann, Minister-President of Baden-Wurttemberg (the state) is a Green Party member.  He is fairly concerned about the loss of public support for the party (you can figure nationally....from four years ago, the Greens have lost one out of three of their voters).  

So in the state of the city of Tü the Lord Mayor Boris Palmer.  Palmer used to be a Green Party member.  At some point about four years ago....he expressed a number of opinions/positions that were deemed right-wing (at least for a Green member to say).  At some point....the 'heat' went up and  Boris was 'dumped' out of the Green Party.  He was invited to the FDP Party....but declined....saying he'd run for Lord Mayor of the city....unattached to any party (he won).

So what Kretschmann has said in a blunt's  time to invite Palmer back to the Green Party and exam his ideas (maybe they weren't that crazy or right-wingish).  

What's  going on?  2026 is the next election in Baden-Wurttemberg (the state), and I suspect that Kretschmann (nearing 77 in 2025) doesn't intend to run again, and the Greens won't win a majority in this state  election....unless things change (namely, getting people back to the party).  So I think Palmer is the angle being discussed....he'll be the face of the party in 2026, and end up as state-president.  

Key problem?  If you lined up the 50 top figures of the Green Party across the nation....more than half probably aren't supporting Palmer.  The more amusing thing?  At least two or three times a year....public TV invites Palmer on as a guest and gives him a national platform to speak on issues.  

6.  Most Germans won't notice, but the border with Denmark has increased check-points (by Denmark).  Meaning?  You approach the border and it's likely they may stop and ID you.  

7.  Mushroom picker in apparently attacked by a bear, and dies.

 For those who aren't aware of it....there's still a couple hundred bears on the loose in Slovakia. 

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