Wednesday, October 16, 2024

16 Oct 2024: Twelve German News Stories

 1.  Monday evening in Trier....some local police were  'warned' that a confrontation was planned out....between two gangs.  One was Lebanese, and the other Syrian.

So how this started?  Well....there was a fight on Sunday....some Syrian guy got into a rough fight with Lebanon guys...the Syrian was hit on the head (ending up in a local hospital).

Monday night came.....cops arrive early with sufficient numbers, and here's about a dozen cars parked at the fair ground/exhibition park.  Weapons found?  Well.....iron bars and guns.

2.  Insurance data from Germany indicates that one in three E-car owners....eventually quit the E-car and go back to gas/diesel cars.  

Bad sign? one has really asked a lot of questions on this, and what made the folks switch back.  It might be worth a discussion.  Did the crowd learn something that is negative?

3.  WELT article written by political scientist and author Jens Siegert yesterday....had an interesting twist on thoughts.

He's been around Moscow for several decades.  On the topic of failure eventually coming to Russia.....he says if Putin fails....disaster is coming to Russia....massive chaos.  

4.  In Hessen state news....more attacks on police, fire brigade and rescue services in the past year.  Now trending (nationally) all-time high.

Lot of this connecting to alcohol?  That's their hint.....they think half the incidents are with drunks in the landscape. 

5.  Is there a EU discussion underway about inhalers....that doctors MUST consider 'climate-impact' when prescribing the asthma inhalers? (contributing to green houses gases)

WELL....yeah.  The EU is starting a discussion over this.  They haven't halted inhalers yet, but we are now to the point of them agreeing.....there's some green house gas worries.   

I know......this sounds rather silly, but I'm going to future EU acts I see coming (before 2034)....first, water coming in plastic bottles.....will be considered dangerous and halted by the EU.  Second, I believe chewing gum of all types/flavors....will be considered a hazard, and halted as well.

6.  Study done.....what is said, by 2030....tens of thousands of German teacher billets will be empty.   How they will solve this?  Unknown. Importing in teachers?  

7.  What do I think will happen if the AfD Party is banned?

Don't say anything to Germans about this....but after the party is banned (if it happens)....that 19-percent of the voting public will go to the BSW Party (now around 9-percent of the national vote).  

At that point, BSW will have 28-percent (just 2 points in polling) under the CDU-CSU Party.

It's entirely possible that BSW (with voters from AfD) would then possibly win the 2025 election.   Shocker?  OH YEAH.

The one topic where AfD and BSW agree on?  Oddly, pro-Russia and anti-NATO/US.  You can  guess where things would go into 2026.

8.  FORSA (the polling folks) did a survey....asking Germans....after the Covid vax....are you 'damaged' in any way?

One in six Germans say 'yes'....they have some side affect.   Don't worry....neither the coalition gov't or the EU are going to do anything about this.

9.  What does 'Untermensch' really mean?

Well....if some German is chatting and loosely utters this....he is referring to some status group, who is behind the normal German folks. 

The odds of some juveniles uttering? It's rare. 

Nazi-like word?  Yeah....that might be true.

10.  Gabor Steingart wrote a guest piece for FOCUS this AM.  Topic?  'Refugees welcome' a decade ago in Germany was accepted by a majority of Germany.  Now in the past year or's now a minority who accept the welcome idea. The majority of Germans have become less accepting of immigrants.

11.  Polar vortex back?  Weather guys say the odd weather system of returning.  The talk now.....there might be a brief bit of snow/cold weather, and then a fairly mild winter (like last year in Germany). 

12.  N-TV had a North Korea piece this AM....talking over NK sending 10,000 soldiers to the fight for Russia.  BS?  It would have required a fairly large effort (by train likely) to get them from NK to the 'front'.  

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