Friday, July 30, 2021

Book Mess

 It's a breaking story which will probably get more traction over the weekend.

What's said....the CDU's Armin Laschet, candidate for Chancellor....wrote a book in 2009.

The title? "The Rising Republic. Immigration as a Chance."

Well...he plagiarized at least one piece of the writing (right now, it's only one segment).  

Actions?  He's hired up some plagiarism-hunter and wants to quickly resolve this mess.

This being a big deal?  Well....yes and no.

For the Green's, Baerbock's plagiarism has been a big deal (more than 20 references though).

To be honest, if you'd asked most CDU folks.....most don't even remember the book, and probably will say they never read it.  It might shock me if he sold more than 50k copies.  

Who might benefit from this?  The SPD.  There's probably another point for them to gain next week in the polls from this episode.  

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