Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Where Fake News is Headed

 Is 'fake news' a hot topic in Germany today (July 2021)?

Generally, I'd say no.  Journalists may hype the concept and suggest that they can help save you from fake news....but if you gathered up a hundred Germans and tried to assign a value to fake news being important....I'd suggest fewer than 10-percent think it ought to rank as a top ten problem.  

Last year, I noticed a piece written where regular Germans were asked about information and how they got it.  Most said they had chats with friends or relatives.  After that....they would review the internet, read the newspapers, listen to radio news, or view nightly TV news.  Finally, they'd go to their local library to read up via their resources.

I would suggest that the bulk of German adults today....just aren't that fascinated with politics, or the 'bubble' around politics.  It might be as many as two-thirds of the general public feeling that way. 

These public TV forums that come and go each week via ARD or ZDF?  There just aren't that many people who feel attached to the topics discussed.  

Is the fake news agenda peaking out in Germany?  Well....I don't think it ever arose that much or gained a lot popular support. 

The trend I would suggest is that news is undergoing a evolution, and it's going to be a rough period for some journalists to survive.  

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