Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Missing 154,000?

 N-TV (commercial news in Germany) had an update this morning, and they talked over this new crisis situation in Germany.....missing employees for pubs and restaurants (government says around 154,000 open jobs).

All of this is unsettling the Germans operations a bit because they finally got the 'green-light' to open, and they can't deliver a 100-percent schedule like they had in 2019.

So what happened to the 154,000 people that had the jobs in 2019?  Well....it's a funny thing.  Austria and Switzerland got their stuff all lined up.....couple of months ahead of Germany, and the 154,000 folks lined up the jobs there, then left.  

You can laugh over the trend, and how the German government got the strategy totally wrong, having put the commercial business in a negative position.  But this is the reality of 2021.

What'll happen?  I'm guessing wages will go up slightly and trigger some recession-like issues....but new people....probably from eastern Europe will enter the work-force to make up for the lost 154,000. 

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