Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Four Hours of Chatter

 Last night (Tuesday), if you sat at 8:15 PM on ZDF (Channel Two from public TV) basically got almost four hours of straight flood-climate change-who-to-blame and taped....without any commercials.

Even when the first show ended around 9 PM, the next show (Frontal) jumped into the same topic area and continued on.

I probably got about 15 minutes of this coverage, and then flipped channels.  Today, there's a number of folks chatting about this business, and what they point out....mayors and local folks knew more of the lacking actions than the federal folks out of Berlin.

Lets be honest, most towns get X-amount of money,  and they stretch it as far as they can.  Flood control isn't exactly a thrilling topic, and the federal folks would never go to extremes to fund up ten-thousand-odd flood-control improvement projects around the nation.

All this siren chatter, and getting people to evacuate?  It's probably time to be honest about that admit that a community might hear that siren fifteen times  a year, and after playing the evacuation drill three or four times at midnight....the enthusiasm will end rather quickly.

Between my village and the regional town of Wiesbaden....we have a community that is built on a stream that runs through the middle of the village.  For decades, about once every ten years....the village flooded to a minor degree.  About five years ago, they saved up a ton of money and did a flood control project.  They won't say it's perfect, but it'd take a heck of a hard storm to flood the town at this point.

As for the four hours of coverage generating a lot of public interest?  It's hard to say.  

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