Monday, July 26, 2021

The Real Race of the September German Election: Finance Minister

 Presently, there are five different individuals (four parties) who have let their intent be advertised:

1.  CDU:  Merz

2.  CSU: Soder (currently Premier-President of Bavaria)

3.  SPD: Scholz (present Finance Minister)

4.  Green Party: Habeck

5.  FDP: Lindner

If the CDU Party does lead, Laschet has some obligation toward Merz, who'd I'd regard as the guy you'd really like in a recession-period.  

Sadly....for Laschet, he has to build a coalition (with either the Greens or/and SPD), and that means that Scholz holds a great deal of power.

There is this 10-to-30 percent chance that the FDP  might be invited, and Lindner has made a blunt statement over the weekend.....he will have to hold the Finance Minister seat if the party is invited.

Will this be a bigger mess than voting for Chancellor?  At this point, four individuals will be seriously disappointed.  

While I might rate Merz at the top, after that....the four probably all rank even with each other.  

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