Tuesday, July 13, 2021

This South African Riot Business, What's the Angle?

 Well....this gets to an interesting situation.

Back around 2005....this ANC Party guy (Jacob Zuma) came up and got 'fired' because of financial corruption (his finance advisor at the time was asking for a bribe in order to accomplish work).  President Mbaki (at the time) was the guy firing Zuma.

You'd think that would be the end of Zuma, but no.....he was elected head of the ANC two years later....ending the period of Mbaki being the political head of the party.

In May 2009, Zuma ran for the Presidency, and won.  So he lasted till Feb of 2018....retiring.

Things then got interesting, with a fair amount of corruption charges.  An investigation started up.

Roughly two weeks ago.....the court system handed down a sentence (15 months), mostly for contempt of court. 

So the current president is standing in the middle of this mess.  The court system has gone into the middle of this mess, and the current guy can't really clean this up or just release Zuma.

Supporters of Zuma?  Well...they are ANC-supporters, but the current president has his own ANC-supporters.  These two groups are in conflict.  So riots started up.

The other element to the riots of the past week.....pro-loot people who just got in the middle....robbing stores/malls.

All of this is unsettling the general public in South Africa.  

As bad and as corrupt as the old pre-1990s government was....the ANC-led government has probably reached that level as well. 

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