Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Newest Covid Chatter?

 I sat and watched N-TV news this morning, and they discussed this rumor going around the Health Ministry of Germany.  The boss of the Ministry....Spahn, from the CDU....says that it might be time to test all Germans returning from vacation....NO matter what country they visited.

The deal wouldn't just involve air travel....they also referred to train and car travel.  In some way, before you leave Germany, you'd sign some of note to say you know there is a obligation to test.

Presently, the general rule is that if you enter Germany from a high-rate virus country, and fly in.....you are pushed into a test situation.

The fact that we are almost into August, and this idea probably should have been discussed back in early June?  Well....yeah, there is that problem.

The weekly virus rate going back up?  Yes.

So you could get on your bike....do a five day trip into Austria, and return to the German border...only to be forced into a Covid-test?  Yep.

All of this begs questions.  For example, if you just went over the Dutch border on a Friday....mostly to buy your Cannabis, stayed the night, and drove back on Saturday afternoon....would you be forced to test then? If you hiked down along the Swiss border on a Friday and Saturday....returning from a hiking trip....would that trigger a test on Sunday as you returned?

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