Sunday, September 22, 2024

Former Chancellor Schroder's Ukraine-Russia 'Solution'?

 Well....former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (you have to go back 20 years ago to remember him).....opted an idea for "a compromise solution" for the Ukraine-Russia war.

So, it would work this way.....two basic pieces: Donbas (eastern Ukrainian state now mostly occupied mostly by Russia) given back to Ukraine (meaning Russian troop just up and leave).  Second piece?  Crimea turns into a independent 'state'....kinda like South Tyrol of Italy....without 'much' control by Ukraine.  I won't call it a country, but it'd almost turn into one.

Ukraine view of this idea?  NO.

I'll say three observations here....(1) the whole south-eastern chunk of Ukraine is a screwed-up war zone, and I doubt if anyone really cares to move back there. (2) To rebuild what was damaged or destroyed?  Into the hundreds of billions.  (3) Presently, I'd say from war-dead from both's getting close to 500,000-plus. 

Schroder making this suggestion?  From most Germans....he's not exactly liked by 90-percent of the country, and you won't find public TV news covering him much. So the idea will drift around for 24 hours and disappear.

Footnote: If you assembled a list of all Russian-made military hardware from 2000 to's 99-percent depleted.  Meaning?  They are probably into mostly 1980-to-2000 manufactured hardware at this point (drifting into 1970s equipment).  Russian threat to Europe?  Nothing much for the next forty years, unless you went back to buying Russian natural gas and helping to fund their rebuilding process.

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