Wednesday, September 25, 2024

25 Sep 2024: Eleven German News Stories

 1.  What VW said yesterday...based on new dynamics....they are cutting 20-billion in technology development for E-cars ASAP.  By their estimate....4,000 jobs will go away shortly.

Political action now required?  I'd say this is one of the biggest emergency situations of the past 20 years in Germany.

2.  German teacher's union says that school kids need more media education to protect them from the evil right-wing crowd.

3.  Over in Brandenburg....some refugee center was smeared with pig's blood.  Investigation being conducted.

4.  Officially on the 2025 German federal budget, 36 billion euros was earmarked for the citizen's allowance or welfare supplement in 2025. 

It came out on's probably four billion short (minimum).  Some speculation by the CDU Party says it could reach ten billion Euro short.  A lot depends on the economy, which appears to be sliding in predictions.

Lot of discussion going, and folks wondering how the budget crowd will cover this problem.

So by mid-afternoon Tuesday....the FDP Party discussed the idea....maybe it's time to quit the coalition and stage a new election.

5.  If there were an election presently?  Big losers?  Probably the FDP and Green Party....FDP might not get seats at all, and one might suggest the Greens presently only getting around 8-to-10 percent.

This would be a win for the CDU-CSU (in the 32-percent range),  With the SPD, AfD and BSW carving up the remaining votes.

Asking for timing?  If the coalition broke up next week....they'd likely have an election prior to the end of November.  One thing I one wants campaign season stretching into the Christmas they fold up in the next three weeks, or they wait till early January to announce the collapse.  

6.  German Bahn services (the railway)...promises shortly a connection from Frankfurt to Paris (also a Munich to Paris) run....done in 8 hours.  Ultra high speed.

Price structure....cheapest period of the week....39.99 Euro for a one-way ticket (no reserved seat).  

7.  Bavaria has approved the first legal hunt of 140 years.  They suggest the population is out of control.

8.  Interesting ban in E-bikes/scooters allowed in the subway system.  Reason?  Fear of a battery explosion problem.  Announced Tuesday afternoon.  

I think German insurance companies will act on this shortly....forbidding recharges within garages or homes.

9.  N24 news did a piece Tuesday afternoon....claiming that some members of the SPD Party don't want any more changes to the migration or asylum program.  Figure the number to be around 20-to-25 percent.

It puts the party in a difficult position if a new election is called.

10.  Nordsee, the German fish fast-food restaurant......has been closing various units....decline in business.  I generally give a thumbs-up on Nordsee....probably eating there at least twice a year.  

11. Another explosion in Koln?, Tuesday night.  Fair amount of damage, with a fire.  No wounded.  Some belief by the police that a gang-warfare situation is developing.  Proof?  Not really much.

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