Monday, September 30, 2024

How 2nd Place Winner Coalitions Weaken Society

 Lets imagine a country has a election....with the winning party having 32-perent of the vote, and the 2nd place party having 27-percent.  Among the four remaining parties....all in numbers of 5-percent, 10-percent, 12-percent, and 14-percent.  

You reach a point  30 days into the building find that party number one can't form a party #2 gets the chance.

To get a coalition, you need 50-plus-percent.  The #2 party now finds a problem....both the 3rd place and 4th place party....want high spot cabinet posts.  You eventually discover that you can't work with the 3rd place party, and now most  partner-up with 3 other parties.

The 5-percent party?  They are blunt....they want three serious problems, and two cabinet posts.  Normally, you'd say 'no'.....but you have to find some way of a partnership.

So in the (the number two party)....have cut back on all your promises, and have less than one-third of the cabinet posts. 

It's a fairly weak government, and people talk about this daily.

The problems that got the top vote party a 'victory'? one really wants to solve these they remain, and four years later.....the voters go the same way again....with fewer votes for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place parties.

I'm against multi-party situations or coalitions, but when you deny the first place party a chance to form a can only get weaken governments in the end.

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