Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Ten Things About Germans & Alcohol

1. Germans sit and ponder on the three hundred things that you can ferment. They sit up at night....worrying about the grade, the composition, and the alcohol rate of some experiment they are involved in. 

2. As far as Germans are concerned....anything to do with alcohol is related to science. You can get degrees in beer, wine and distilling things. 

3. As long as you just talk about general sales tax....the German population tends to accept that. The minute you talk about special on beer....then folks tend to get upset and start go negative on the party involved. 

4. While an American is used to 3.5% alcohol in beer....a German could sit there and consume six percent, eight percent, and even twelve percent beer. This is where you really need to watch what you are consuming and the food ratio. 

5. A Bavarian will tell you five hundred facts about alcohol....while he’s still standing. 

6. Once you’ve accepted the fact that a German can make a liquor out of’ve pretty much accepted anything is possible in life. 

7. A German is serious when he says you can survive off beer and bread. 

8. A German will be totally serious when he says that America can’t make real beer. Don’t argue with them. 

9. Germans have this prospective that a kid who is old enough to drink beer and wine. It worked for maybe two hundred years. Lately, they will tell you that this prospective is out of whack. 

10. Octoberfest is largely a fest over beer....lots of beer, in fact. Once you’ve consumed a 1-liter container of beer (7 percent alcohol) should say enough, but that never happens.

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