Thursday, May 31, 2018

Danish Law Passage

It's not a page one story in Germany, but it has implications.  ARD, Channel One of the public TV group, spoke up about a Danish draft law that passed this week.....banning facial masks (to include burkas, scarves and helmets which might cover your face).

The law is effect in August, and will even cover 'fake beards' (the Santa Claus routine).

Passage?  Overwhelming...75 to 30 on votes.

The only exception written into the law?  Well...if you get extremely cold weather (they didn't state the temperature), then you can wear a facial covering or scarf.

The fine?  135 Euro on the first offense.  And it progresses up on the second, third and fourth (the fourth reaches 1,350 Euro).

So how the burka would be handled by the cops?  They won't even order you to remove the burka (pretty curious thinking here).....they will just ask for your ID and write out a ticket for you to appear in court, and the ticket will state that you need to now go home or face a possible second ticket for refusing the order of a policeman. In general....throughout Europe, most all cops go at the same angle....they can order you to return home or face a breach of 'peace'. The breach of 'peace' will just get you deeper into trouble and another second fine.

My humble guess is that the Germans will eventually pick up this idea but it'll be a state by state episode where they pass something and eventually put pressure on the Merkel coalition to work on some national policy.

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