Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Two Losers Story

I sat last night....watching some commercial German TV show...entitled: 'Poor Germany'.  To be honest, there was nothing much else on, and the German wife forbid watching Real Madrid playing the Munch soccer team.

In the midst of this show, which mostly features all Germans....on Hartz IV (welfare) and their various was some guy living with a gal....both in their mid-to-late 20s.  Both, long-time unemployed.  The gal appeared to be having another relationship on the side, but I tried to avoid looking at that story. 

The point that caught my interest is that the young guy here had tried to restart his apprentice school business, and then got boggled down into the problem of who would watch his pets (he had various pets)  while he was at work. 

I sat there shaking my head.  Neither of the two were making an active effort to get back into the work-place.  Both had this impression that the free-money (welfare) would just continue on.  In some way, and I hated to assess both as that.....they seemed to be 'losers', and didn't have a problem in accepting that role in life.

This is what irritates Germans a great deal on the topic of welfare, and poverty.  Most people agree that the system is screwed up and a lot of juveniles are within families on welfare.  They'd like to do more.  But then they watch a show like this, and observe two youthful people who ought to be working, and see them as lazy and unwilling to work.

Fixing this? Unless you got a full-time coach involved and threatened to take away their money entirely....these two would likely still be sitting at home in another decade. No one says how many fall into this category, but it's something that comes up in topics often. 

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