Sunday, May 6, 2018

Minor Update on Ellwangen Episode

A few days ago, I essayed a piece on the police action that had to occur at a immigration center in Ellwangen.  A massive presence of German cops was required in the end to take possession of a failed applicant immigrant.  It's kinda lingered there as a page two story until today.  Focus picked up the story and put up another update, which I found interesting.

The migrant in question....a Togolese guy....had a lawyer representing his case, and the lawyer kept saying in publications that the deportation would not occur, and this was all a fake situation (my word for this....not his)., the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior said in pretty bold words that they had denied the position of the lawyer involved.  The deportation is ongoing and not hindered.

The odds of this guy's original country delaying the process?  Unknown.  I suspect this guy will spend a fair amount of time in some detention center before this ends.

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