Friday, February 22, 2019

A Cucumber Story

I often point out that Wiesbaden has a crime situation which you often feel amused about.  The local police blotter had a story to come out today.....over a call for police support late yesterday in the middle of town, at a grocery.

The incident?  Some guy had reached over to grab the last cucumber in the vegetable tray, while another guy (yep both males) was reaching to grab it.  A confrontation started up, and one guy punched the other.  Grocery clerks quickly reacted....calling the cops.

Cops arrived, and things quieten down.  What the cops say now?  An investigation is underway. 

An assault charge and appearance in front of a city court judge....over a cucumber?  Yes.  Just figuring court's probably 200 times what the cucumber costs.

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