Saturday, February 16, 2019

New Requirement for German Driver's LIcenses

A couple of years ago, the EU got into the scheme of driver's licenses and mandated that they all needed to be one single standard.

ARD (public TV, Channel One) brought up the new regulations determined by the German government this week.  They mandated 19 January 2033 to be the end-point of this license exchange business.

Roughly 43-million Germans will have to get a new license.  But this is rigged up in a staggered method.  Born between 1953 and 1958, you need to do it by 19 January 1922.  Born between 1959 to 1964, you have until 19 January 2023 to exchange your old license.  Born between 1965 and 1970, you have until 19 January 2024.  Born from 1971 on, you have until 19 January 2025.

New testing?  NO.  Just pay down 25 Euro and provide a photo.

The most significant change?  Well, in the past, they were unlimited in terms of duration....meaning a 75-year old guy had a 55-year old license in his possession.  The new license deal will limit it to 15 years. 

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