Thursday, February 21, 2019

Germany: The Fake Dividing Line between Juvenile and Adult

Believe it or not....if you get into any trouble (even up to murder, rape, assault, etc) in Germany, and you are 21 or will be detained and handled in a legal manner as a juvenile.  If you are will be handled as an adult.

Yes, you could go out and rob a bank....rape several women over a summer....assault some teacher....all at age 18, and be treated as a juvenile.

The system is....what it is.

The fact that you can rent an apartment at 18?  Doesn't matter.

The fact that you can join the Bundeswehr, and carry arms into combat?  Doesn't matter.

The fact that you can marry at 18, without any consent or paperwork?  Doesn't matter.

The fact that the age of consent in Germany is 14?  Doesn't matter.

Once the legal system is engaged for your 'troubles', you are treated as a juvenile.

Voting?  You need to be 18 years old to vote in any German election....but these are the same people who would say you can't be treated as a adult in the legal have to be treated as a juvenile.

This came up this week with a court issue attached to a German female (over the age of 30) who is accused of raping a young 'juvenile' immigrant 'lad'.....who it's established that he've over 18, but not yet 21.  In the mind of the 'lady'....this can't be happening, and she's just shaking her head over the legal woes falling into place. 

Something to be fixed?  No.  It's nowhere on the top 500 problems of working-class Germans, and will simply continue on being a curious matter of dividing up juveniles and adults. 

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