Friday, February 15, 2019

Crime and Numbers

I often talk about crime in Germany, which in recent years.....has shown some decrease.  The story got brought up in regional Hessen (my state) news this morning, via HR (our regional TV public network).

Roughly 372k crimes were reported in Hessen for 2018.  That's down almost 1-percent over 2017's numbers.

In the middle of their crimes talk....the cops pointed out one curious number....if you take regular street crime (property damage, pickpocketing and assaults)'s going down almost 7-percent (more or less) every single year.  If you used 1998 numbers from Hessen.....we have half as much crime going on today (across the entire state), as we did in 1998.

Then came the cherry on the cake.....the cops wanted you to know that in 2019 and 2020.....they are adding additional manpower....900 additional cops are being hired, over the current number now.

Yet people are hyped up and have the basic idea that since 2013 (the year that the migration business took off)....that crime took off as well.  It's just NOT a proven fact.  If anything, some numbers out there demonstrate that after the Wall came down....with the ease of entering Germany, crime gangs escalated and became entrenched in various metropolitan areas of the nation.  Part of the problem is that news media organizations (from TV to print media and Facebook) talk routinely about crime.  People have the opinion that it's bigger than the facts suggest.   

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