Monday, February 11, 2019

On the Topic of Grund Verrohung

It's not a simple translatable German word (Grund Verrohung).  My definition for the word is 'brutal threat nearby'. 

It comes up today via a Focus article which discusses this noted change in German Job-Centers (run in each community by the government).  There are 1,373 Job-Centers across Germany today, and last year....because of continuing threats made by out-of-work Germans and the massive control that the Job-Centers have over your welfare benefits....threats are now a daily event. 

So the federal government kinda admitted that 457 of the Job-Centers now have on-site security....meaning a a couple of guys in uniform (basically a government office with a 'bouncer'), who takes charge if some German guy or gal gets demanding or physical.

I suspect thirty years ago.....this would have never been a problem, but things have changed over the past decade or two.  The welfare money is marginally enough, and people are at a breaking point with the bureaucratic ways of the Job-Center 'empire'.  None of these Job-Center folks entered the profession with the idea of brutal threats being made against them, and I suspect that there are a growing number looking at some other profession.

The curious thing is that prior to the 1930s, you could find various occasions where brutal threats existed, and it was part of the German landscape.  After WW II, this behavior modified itself, and you could have easily gone through the 1960s, the 1980s.....never seeing any suggestive threat.  Today, it's returned. 

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