Saturday, February 9, 2019

EU Election in the UK?

Officially, by 29 March....the UK is supposed to be out of the EU.

On paper, if the UK does not accomplish BREXIT on 29 March.....they go into an extension, and no one is sure about what happens next.

It came out this week, via page 2-type news, that while the UK hasn't planned a May EU legislative election....if it's still in the EU, they'd have to hold an EU election. 

This has led this week in the UK...for a unknown party to register itself (the BREXIT Party of course), and they intend to be prepared to campaign.  For the EU, this begs lots of questions.  On the German media side....almost no commentary.  The effect if this unknown BREXIT Party were to get the bulk of votes from a UK EU election?  Unknown. 

If you were looking for a massive 'mess' for early summer, this scenario now represents a wild problem with tons of issues attached.  It's worth putting it on your calendar and following. 

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