Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Jail Story

If you walked into a group of working-class Germans and asked for a list of their top ten 'concerns'....somewhere in the mix is the deportation of failed visa applicants.  It's an odd problem that Germans now discuss, and get frustrated over.  Politicians?  They worry because they can't really promise what the public wants....immediate deportation.

This got brought up yesterday via a Deutsche Welle article that I noticed.

The German Interior Minister, Horst Seehofer-CSU, has a pet project that he's working on.  Basically, once the visa application is stamped 'failed'....he wants to the cops to be there, detain the individual, and move them to a state-fun prison system, until they can be deported.

Issues?  Well....the prisons of the sixteen German states really weren't built for this type of situation, or the number of failed applicants that you might be discussing.  Adding to this.....you could be talking about a year or two, sitting in the prison, awaiting an appeal process to the deportation.  What if the homeland of the guy won't take him back....would you jail him permanently? 

If they just went to 'problem-migrants'?  Those with criminal behavior noted in the background....like arrests for threats or assaults? 

In a way, this entire period of migration and open-door policy, has led to a frustration that labels both the center-right and center-left political parties as 'failures'.  They can't resolve this public frustration.

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