Monday, February 18, 2019

Germany in a Recession?

If you follow the business news for the past hundred's been lightly talked about but the experts are blunt...there's just not much holding back the recession at this point. 

Between US/UK trade disputes, along with cooling world economy....Germany is marginally above the zero-point. 

The biggest damage if a recession is falling into play for Germany?  Politicians have spent much of the past hundred days (particularly from the SPD Party)...talking about evolving the pension and social welfare business....of which cost money from the revenue pot.  If the money isn't there.....the promises won't occur. 

Blame toward BREXIT?  Maybe a quarter of the blame can go toward that, and the unsure trading sphere for the rest of 2019.  Yes, there are a minimum of 100,000 German jobs at risk, and no one is completely sure how the Brit trade situation will be in the period after BREXIT.

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