Thursday, February 14, 2019

The Doper Story

I essayed a couple of pieces back in August and September of last year over a assault/murder in Chemnitz, Germany.  A German guy ended up dead....and two guys (a Syrian and a Iraqi) ended up being the prime suspects. 

This event, for the record, occurred at 2:30 AM (typically a time when people do stupid things).

Well.....Focus (the German news magazine brought it up today) says the cops have a pretty complete story laid out now.  And there's cocaine in the mix of the assault/murder.

The Iraqi and the German (now dead), both had cocaine traces. 

There's some moment of a chat between them, and something is said (no one is sure about what).  A knife comes into the conflict.  Based on the cops story, there has to be multiple knives, but so far, they only have one single knife in their possession.

Right now, the court has yet to reach an opinion on the precise charge.  Reporting indicates a decision is likely to come by mid-March.

So you could have a doped-up German who said something to trigger the doped-up Iraqi and Syrian, and they reacted stupidly, with a deadly assault.....then have a whole community in some massive uproar for a week or two....with journalists hyped about xenophobia.....all about dopers out at 2:30 in the morning?  Yeah.  That's pretty much the script of this story....a bunch of politicians all hyped up for some anti-right-wing agenda, and tense talk....all because of cocaine dopers. 

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