Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Diesel Story

Focus, the German news magazine, brought up this short piece today on diesel fuel.  It's kinda interesting.

Two German guys, with a passion and interest in chemistry and engineering.....have been sitting down to examine how you 'brew' up diesel as a fuel.

The two.....from Ostholstein....now say that they've created a different sort of cheap version of diesel fuel....which is 'clean'.

Now, we aren't say 100-percent clean.  But they are hinting in their commentary, with their test vehicle....at least 90-percent cleaner than current expectations of a diesel fuel engine.

The two are partnering up with a US university (out of California) and there's a project to develop this into sales item. 

Would this resolve this diesel 'war' that German cities are talking about?  Maybe, but you can sense that this is probably three years away from being a commercial product available for the general public.  Would it burn at the same rate and still be able to be consumed by all German diesel vehicles?  Unknown. 

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