Monday, September 30, 2019

AfD's Third 'Hype'

In Germany, the AfD Party is noted for two significant stances. Immigration and the Euro.  They may say they've got twenty-five positions, but if you ask the general's strictly anti-immigration and anti-Euro. 

So this third position is coming out.....countering the Merkel climate change and solution business.  It's a curious position to take.

So the AfD is staking out this position that these solutions and billion-Euro packages by the German government (supported by the CDU, the SPD, and to some extent the Greens).....well, no one can say with any reliability or statistical data, that these funds or regulations are achieving anything.  So the AfD is going to stake a position that if you spend money and nothing is changing or improving....then you are simply committing a fraud. 

It's an interesting position to take.  The 40-billion Euro 'stake' that was prepared two weeks ago (for four years)?  No one has said in a clear fashion how it'll be used.  Some might go to more charging stations for battery cars....some might go to bike trails....some might go to research grants.  Does any of this achieve an improvement in measurable numbers? 

There is chatter about this massive Frankfurt to Darmstadt bike 'autobahn' being constructed, and some people float numbers that forty-thousand people per day might be using the 'bikebahn'.  But it's mostly all chatter, without any factual evidence. 

Using the AfD position....if you can't show an improvement in the climate numbers can would be illogical to spend the money. 

So this will lead back around to criticism of various parties in the Bundestag, and how wasteful amounts of money go to fake solutions tied to climate change.  Another point or two going up?  Maybe, but this is a long-term position and just starting out. 

A good example, if you used the US 'bucket' of wasteful funding....the $535-million loan deal to what would be eventually a bankrupt funding package for Solyndria.  That money just flushed itself down a tube, and nothing to show for the lost money.  Yes, it was a green project and everyone felt hyped-up for it, but it'd be something that AfD would have identified as a worthless project and dump criticism upon people who fund it. 

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