Sunday, September 29, 2019

Skinhead Chatter

I noticed a short piece in the commercial German news sector today (Welt) which had a brief commentary on the decline of skinheads.

I's an amusing topic to pick-up and discuss.

For German recognition.....a skinhead guy represents Nazis.  If you have fewer skinheads around, then logically there should be fewer Nazis around. 

So there is some belief now that the same number of Nazis are around, and a lot of these skinhead guys just felt that shaved head thing wasn't 'trendy' or 'in fashion' they just dumped the bald head routine.

Strictly a German thing?  No, that's a myth.  When you go back to the beginning of this starts in the UK (late 1960s).  A lot of this was simply a soccer hooligan affair and had nothing to do with Nazis.

What Germans often fail to grasp about the skinheads....was that they were gangs which might have included Nazi doctrine, or been a gang for an entirely different 'cause'.  The RASH group up in the UK....are a left-wing skinhead 'gang'.  Occasionally, the Redskins will pop up.....who are skinheads under the anti-capitalism cause. 

So this belief if you see fewer skinheads, there are fewer Nazi 'gangs'?  The discussion goes in the way that trends occurred, and shaving your head was now considered less there's probably the same number of skinheads (with hair) who are still pro-Nazi.

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