Wednesday, September 18, 2019

'Gelber Schein' Going Away?

If you are a German who invoke sick leave, you need a doctor to sign off on a 'note'....which is noted by Germans as being the 'Gelber Schein'.  This paper document is yellow in color.  Without the note, signed....your sick-leave doesn't become official with the boss. 

For a number of years.....doctors, companies, and people complained about this necessity of the 'Gelber Schein' still being around.  The push was to go digital., the German government finally announced it.....the paper 'Gelber Schein' will go away (2021). This requiring two years?  Well....they aren't talking about the way this will work, but I suspect that an App has to be procured, and must connect each working guy/ a HR office or boss. 


Daz said...

Wonderful. I look forward to that all being hacked within 6 months. Or maybe the hackers wait for a year or two to maximise their haul. Terrible idea.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

It's more likely to be 'hacked' by the individual, telling his boss he has 'X' and is signed off by the doctor for five days of sick leave....while lounging at the Oktoberfest.