Saturday, September 21, 2019

The 'Mysterious' C02 Certificate Plan

The one piece of the Merkel team project that was just left out there and barely explained by any journalist or news organization....was this C02 certificate idea.

There's supposed to be a cap on carbon emissions via transportation and construction.  You'd have to buy or trade a order to achieve any planned future situation.  This would be on some market, and traded for value.

The various effects of this certificate business?

Well....if you go down the path....the cost of living for regular Germans would have to go up.  Amount?  Unknown.  It might be just one-percent. It might be ten-to-twenty percent.

Slowing down construction?  No one can say if it'd be a factor in hindering future construction.  But it would make any renovation project more demanding. 

Who would end up getting end of this rope?  Consumers.  If there is any cost or any rise....just plain regular consumers would be dragged in and pay the added cost.  Maybe the politicians might say they'd find a way to screw companies and hand them the bill....but companies won't absorb costs....they will pass them onto the consumers. 

All of this a long-term problem in terms of competition among the other European countries?  Well....if you are the only one playing this game, and the competition countries (like Poland) refuse....what exactly do you think will happen?  As for the EU adapting to this?  By the EU rules....all members have to agree to a rule change, and I just don't see a broad complete agreement on this.

This C02 certificate plan being the first part of the plan to crumble?  I'd give that favorable odds. 

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