Sunday, September 29, 2019

Results of the Austria Election

A number of months ago, a scandal occurred within the Austrian political system, with the Freedom Party of Austria (junior partner in the coalition).  It more or less....collapsed the government and forced a new election.  So it came yesterday.

- Austrian People's Party (right of center): 37.5 percent (they were the winner of the previous election).
- Social Democratic Party (left of center): 21.5 percent (dropping a couple of points over last election and giving previous voters over to the Greens).
- Freedom Party (right wing): 17.3 percent (big loser of the night, giving 10 points away from last election).
- Green Party: 12.5 percent (big gainer of the night)
- NEOS: 7.5 percent.  This is the party that wants direction participation of the public on decision making....letting the public vote on everything.

Then you had 8 other parties with around five to seven percent of the national vote all combined.  This included the Beer Party (3,600 votes), and the Christian Party (230 votes).

So what happens now?  The OVP has four options.  They could go the minority-government route with no partner (they need 50-plus percent on the partner deal).

They could partner with the Freedom Party (they did that up to the scandal period), but they've kinda hinted they prefer to rebuild and be a opposition party.

They could partner with the Social Democrats, but it'd mean a pull to the center, and relaxing on immigration harshness.

They could partner with the Greens, but there's been criticism by the Greens over the agenda of the OVP.

With the exception of the OVP, everyone is hinting of a rebuilding period.  Issues facing politicians?  Mostly corruption-talk, high unemployment (around 7 to 8 percent, depending on the region), inflation below 2-percent, great economic numbers for 2019, and immigration problems.

Finally, I'll offer a comment on the present Chancellor and likely future Chancellor....Kurz.  He's a young probably see him on TV a good bit if you follow Austrian affairs.  He didn't have much in the scandal episode and appears 'intact'.  Oddly, a fair number of Germans admire the young guy (certainly not a majority), and wish they had a young energetic Chancellor like the 'kid'.

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