Sunday, September 22, 2019

Electrical Story

There's a news piece this weekend in Germany discussing the average electrical pricing (over the past year).  ARD reports this, and the kWH rate is 38.5 Euro cents. 

I pulled up the rate for my original home-state in the US (Alabama), and compared it.  There is a base-charge for each month of $14.95.  Then the kWH rate for the first 1000 kWH is .1022 cents, and after the first thousand KWH, it's .1047 cents.  Of course, the cheaper rate in this case is mostly because of nuke-power. 

Germans tend to grumble about the rate, and how it's escalated over the past two decades.  One of the trends that it's triggered....everyone is hyped up to buy new freezers and get units which consume less power. 

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