Monday, September 16, 2019

Heroin Story

Back around two months ago, there was this 'push' incident at a train station in Voerde....a small town in north Germany....about 20 km north of Duisburg.

The incident ended up with a mid-30s German woman dead, and the push-guy was some locally known Serbian guy who was mostly known to be jobless, a criminal and a nutcase.

Cops found the Serb, and he's been in jail since that point.  So the authorities came out today and laid out this case with the immigrant.  As much as he's known in the area for being a nutcase.....he's also a heroin-addict.  So most of his nutty behavior goes back to the addiction business.  How long an addict?  It's not quiet clear, but based on the news least a decade. 

So we come to this part of the story which Germans grind their teeth over and are fairly critical about....the guy was doped-up when he pushed the gal, and doesn't remember much of anything. 

The criminal charges against the guy?  Cops still say there's charges there.  But I'd have doubts that they go through with this case.  Some judge will do an eval on the guy, and just commit him to some mental facility for the remainder of his life. 

What bothers me about this case....if you go around Frankfurt, Darmstadt or Wiesbaden now....there's probably over 3,000 guys/gals who are heroin-addicts and you could probably label them nutcases.  That's the curious thing about the past twenty years in Germany....heroin is readily available.  This is one of those reminders how you have to continually evaluate what's around you and if someone appears like a nutcase. 

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