Sunday, September 15, 2019

Observation Over the Movie 'Play'

On Wednesday night....I missed the ARD (public TV, Channel One here in Germany) movie at 8:15 PM.   Yesterday, I went back to the network and watched it.  I have to was a bit interesting.

The movie title?  'Play'.  You can still catch it (for a month) on the ARD site (all in German of course). 

The basic script to this 90 minute movie?  Some German kid (girl) has gotten herself all addicted to video-gaming.  She's reached a point where she's got physiological issues, and can't interact with real people.  The family relationship is falling apart, and there's frustration by everyone in the house.

As for the end?  I'll just say that the final five minutes go off onto some weird and crazy ending (yeah, it was a bit unbelievable).  It's the type of thing that ARD will occasionally produce on society issues, and afterwards....there's some German father-figure pointing the finger, and saying that you need to resolve this mess.  It's produced to provoke thought, and introduce discussions within a group....plain and simple. 

Germans will agree that video-gaming has reached a level where tens of thousands of Germans are in this category of addiction.  Forcing rehab upon this crowd?  It's hard to see how it'd be received or if some legal challenge would occur. 

It's an interesting story told by 'Play'....and I'd recommend it up to the final three minutes. 

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