Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gas Tax Chatter

There's a great commentary column over at Focus today, by Helmut Markwort.  His criticism?  This greatly hyped 'save-the-climate' legislation that the Chancellor and the coalition government put together....which lays out various gas/diesel taxes to be added. 

Markwort makes this one direct hit on the economic victims of the gas/diesel's the little guy and poorer families who will get the blunt end of this stick.  They will be paying into the pot without any come-back. 

As the tax starts to arrive....these families will shake their heads, and ask why they had to pay for something that they can't really afford.  They may have a point, and one might suspect that behind the scenes.....someone is already planning up some welfare-upgrade, and another hundred Euro a month per welfare make this all work.

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