Monday, September 16, 2019

This 40 Billion Euro for Climate "Protection"

Today and tomorrow, you will hear a good bit via German news over the agreed script between the CDU (Merkel's party) and the SPD....who together lead the government....over this 40-billion Euro 'fund' that they are creating, which will save Germany from climate change.

So to some facts, and unscripted text from me.

The 40-billion Euro?  It's not over one year, but four.  So they are slicing 10-billion Euro a year from various pots of money.  New taxes?  So far, they aren't suggesting that.

So, in reality, it's just 10-billion Euro a year for spending?  Yes.

What will they spend it upon?  That's not scripted out, but I'll suggest several things: bicycle trails that cities develop as climate change projects, university research projects involve climate change, recharging stations for cars, crop research, and electric car 'gifts' (to encourage you to buy them).

Naturally, you will look at these and suggest....well....they would have happened anyway but they weren't labeled as climate control funds.  Yeah....that's the funding trick involved.  It's just that this will be a special pot of money, instead of a normal pot of money....but it basically goes to the same list of things.  That's why you don't need any additional taxes, or anticipate any extra funds.

How long will it take for the Green and Linke Party folks to figure this out?  Less than 60 seconds.  In their mind, the public, and the business operations....needed to be involved, and suffering to some degree.  Without that suffering, you can't achieve the changes for climate control.

So it's a lot of hype over nothing?  More or less.

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