Monday, September 16, 2019

Anti-Capitalism Story

Most Germans have an opinion about Hartz IV (the welfare system), the Job-Center (the agency that deals with the Hartz IV recipients), and with 'lazy' Germans stuck in system.  Some will admit the payments aren't enough.  Some will admit that lack of job certifications is the driving force for people on the welfare system.  Some will even suggest that 'crazies' are mixed up in the system and hinders any progress from occurring.

So I noticed today out of the Focus magazine coverage.....this one German welfare recipient who'd walked into a North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW, a state to the NW of Germany) Job-Center and they'd gone to their list of potential open jobs and were encouraging the guy to seek employment.  You have to be open and willing to accept ANY continue getting social money or unemployment money.  Well....this guy went the unusual route....saying the capitalistic system of job was a fraud, and he wasn't going to seek work anymore.  Naturally, the Job-Center people went to the next step.....they ended his capitalistic system of social/unemployment money.  No one says much over how he reacted, but I'm guessing that he'll return in a month with a better attitude and more willing to accept job suggestions.

I would go and suggest that this anti-capitalism attitude is on the upswing in Germany, and it might have long-lasting impact (negativity) if the trend continues.  Imagine having a thousand 14-year-old school kids a month getting hyped up and believing in anti-capitalism.

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