Monday, September 16, 2019

Juvenile Story

There's this piece in the German news today, which is going to trigger debate and negative criticism over asylum-seekers in Germany.  So I'll give you the basic intro to the story.

The court system and social agency around the Munster, Germany region (northern Germany, halfway between Dusseldorf and Bremen) reached some point where they just didn't believe the stated ages of 'unaccompanied kid refugees'.

No one says why, or what drove this view, but in the end....they went to the doctors in the region, and asked for a 'test' to be given.  Based on bone structure, and things that should appear in a certain way for juvenile kids.....roughly 240 out of 600 'kids' were simply not juveniles.  They were adults.  Once that was protection disappeared, and their request to stay in Germany went away.

This is one of the odd parts of the asylum business in Germany.  If you show up and have no ID but say you are a juvenile without any's a virtual guaranteed that you will get permission to stay.  The smuggler crowd know this, and they instruct young men (over the age of 18) to pretend to be kids.

An accepted test and requirement across Germany?  No.  A lot of doctors will refuse to conduct the test or to be involved in revoking your asylum status.  The anti-migrant folks?  They will cite this in the list of things wrong with the whole asylum program in German today.

I tend to agree it's a problem, but it also opens up this bigger mess.  If you have a 27-year old migrant who is claiming to be 14 years old, what happens in 50 years, if he's still in Germany?  He'll be approaching 55 years old on the fake age business, when he's actually 68 years old.  Will he be able to still perform his job or occupation?  I have my doubts.  I imagine that around 2060....there will be this national crisis where you have 10,000 to 20,000 migrant German guys....who are in serious job jeopardy because at 55....they just can't work anymore.  Fixing or resolving this then?

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