Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trump, Merkel and the Ukraine

So from the US, this transcript of the July 'chat' between President Trump and the Ukrainian President lays out one curious detail.

I should note here.....the whole document is sitting there in PDF format, and you can read it for yourself over at White House.Gov.  Takes maybe six minutes to read the 'chat'.

What the Germans are infuriated about? 

Well....President Trump says in blunt language that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has done more or less....."nothing" for Ukraine in this period from the crisis build-up to present-day.  The term used?  "....all they do is talk."

President Trump says they've spent time and effort. 

How much of this is left for debate?  When you go back around six years ago (the Viktor Yanukovych period, ending in 2014)....the way that the EU handled the entry business into the EU, and the view by Russia (tail-spin to the maximum)'s a woeful tale and really says a lot about crappy EU planning.  They could have done this in minor steps, and spent an entire decade in a relaxed 'walk' to a EU partnership. 

After the civil war started up?  You can say a lot over Russian intentions and various groups having a Russian agenda in their hands. 

The five years of Petro Poroshenko?  The Russian problems simmered down.  The EU was more careful to avoid any confrontation with Russia....maybe to the extent that they held any help to Ukraine to a bare minimum.

The thing is....all of these guys, from Macron, Merkel, Putin, Obama, and Trump....all 'BS' and talk hype.  If you were longing for some 'gentle giant' and graceful dancing politician.....he or she simply don't exist.

The Germans now disgruntled and talking negative about Trump?  Well....if you go back to November 2016....there hasn't been a single day that some German political figure hasn't 'dumped' on Trump.  What's new?

So now....if Merkel was smart, she'd call up Volodymyr Zelensky, and hint that she wants to partner up with him to save the environment and hand five billion Euro to the Ukraine so that they could do their part on the C02 thing.  She could tell him that Trump would never offer money like that. 

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