Monday, March 14, 2022

Local Police Blotter

 There's not a weekend that goes by where there's not a weird crime item that pops up in Wiesbaden now.

So from this weekend....cops say around 4 AM on Saturday....on Mainzer Strasse, there was this encounter of two cars.  There were some words spoken between the two groups....probably insults of some type.  One of the cars reached a point where they drove away.  That should have been the end of the situation.

The second car drove around around a few minutes later, and pulls up to the first car.  Instead of words or insults....the second car guys let loose with a fair amount of pepper spray.  It's safe to say that the 'victims' got a serious amount of issues with breathing and vision.

The second car left at that point.  Cops get called.  No real description given.  

But it's like I say....nothing good comes after midnight.  

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