Sunday, March 6, 2022

Mask Chatter

 N-TV brought up the topic of the FFP-2 masks, and how Germans are continually re-using them....over and over.

In the minds of the virus experts....this is not a good practice.

So a University (Munster) went out and did a study.  

If you were one of those people (I will admit, I'm one).....then you ought to 'clean' your mask regularly....if you were going to keep re-using them.

Methods? can stuff your FFP-2 mask in a baggy, and boil it (safely) in hot water.  You can also heat up the oven (not super-hot) and just lightly 'toast' it (I tend to question this as being safe).  Finally, you could use a hair-dryer and simply blow hot air over it.

How many people re-use FFP-2 masks?  No idea, and no one is polling the public.  I think the results would be about one-third of the public using a mask for three months or more.  The current mask I have (I keep in a jacket pocket)?  I'm up to about day 110.  I'll wear it five minutes while fueling up and paying the gas station guy.  I'll wear it twenty minutes while at a drink shop.  I'll wear it thirty minutes in some German grocery.  I'll wear it thirty minutes while riding the bus.  In a whole week, it might add up to two hours of use.  

Will anyone react to this 'worry'?  I doubt it.  

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