Sunday, February 9, 2020

Chat Forum Show From Sunday Night

Last night's Anne Will chat forum show on ARD (German public TV, Channel One) had a pretty lively discussion over the Thuringian political chaos. The guests?  FDP's Wolfgang Kubicki,  CDU's Peter Altmaier, Alice Weidel from the AfD Party, Sahra Wagenknecht from the Linke Party, SPD Party youth 'boss' Kevin Kühnert and Melanie Amann (journalist).

They blasted away upon each other and made this one of the more dramatic open chat forums in recent history.

I would offer three observations:

1.  It's rather odd....NOT a single person from the local scene there in the state of Thuringia....was on the show.  These were all Berlin 'theatrical' people at the top level of the government or journalism.   It was very obvious about half-way through the show.

2.  I might give plus-points to the AfD player who showed up....Alice Weidel.  She sat back, blasting away, and felt comfortable in the group.  She's pretty convinced on their position taken, and the influence of the party on national politics now.

3.  By the end, nothing much had been accomplished, and I think most who watched it....were a bit bored in the end.

By the end of this week, I expect the Linke Party in Thuringia to completely agree to a new election.  I won't suggest that it'll resolve much of anything except ensure the FDP Party isn't going to have five-percent of the vote, or have seats in the state assembly. 

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