Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Thuringia Meeting

Yesterday, an attempt by the Linke Party in Thuringia (one of Germany's 16 states) to iron out the political stalemate going on occurred.

What Focus said about the meeting?

 Even though the Linke Party won the late October 2019 election.....they basically can't form a unified or coalition government.  In fact, the attempt from three weeks ago turned into a major mess.

So the answer from yesterday.....ex-Premier President Ramelow (from the Linke group) proposed that the CDU folks (Merkel's party) step in with their person (preferring former CDU Party Primer-Minister Christine Lieberknecht.  It would be a four-way government.  The far-left Linke Party, SPD, Greens and CDU.

But this group would only be around for 70 days, then disappear as a new election would occur.  Reason mostly for this necessity?  The budget period needs to be accomplished.

Odds of this occurring?  Unknown.  Never in the history of the CDU....have they partnered with the Linke Party.  That is a fact. 

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